Nexgen Diploma course in Web Development , SEO ( Digital Marketing) trains students as well as professionals to create website's with shopping carts and payment gateways and even enables them to market these website on the search engines using Digital Marketing ( SEO )Our Web Designing course begins right from the basics and provides practical knowledge of designing website's.
Interface - The Welcome Screen, File Menu, New, Open, Close, Close All, Save As,Save |
Color Spaces, Document Window, The Toolbox, Menus, Palettes, Options Bar, Shortcuts, Getting Assitance, Workplaces |
Rectangle Marquee Tool, Ellipitical Marquee Tool, Single row, Single column selections, Lasso Tool, Polygon Tool, Magnetic Tool, Deselect the Selection, Add Selection, Substract Selection |
Magic wand Tool,Quick Seletion Tool, Move selection, Copy Using Move Tool, Perfect Rectangle & circle |
Crop Tool, Perspective Crop Tool Free Transform, Transform, Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective, Wrap, Rotate 180°, Rotate 90° cw, Rotate 180° ccw, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical |
BG (background) Change |
Eye dropper, Color Sampler, Ruler Tool, Note Tool |
Spot Healing Brush Tool, Healing Brush Tool, Patch Tool, Content Aware Move Tool, Red eye Tool |
Retouching |
Blur tool, Sharpen tool, Smudge Tool, Dodge Tool, Burn Tool, Sponge |
Brush Tool, Pencil Tool, Color Replacment Tool, Mixer Brush Tool, Make Bg |
Clone Stamp Tool, Pattern Stamp Tool, To save customized brush Pattern, To save customized Pattern |
History brush Tool, Art Histroy Brush Tool, Change Prefrences in Photoshop |
Eraser Tool, Bg Eraser Tool, Magic Eraser Tool |
Color Black and White Photo, Adjustment layers, Blending Mode, Navigator |
Make Realistic Light Rays, Pen Tool, Text Tool |
Gradient Tool, Paint Bucket Tool |
Clipmasking, Vanishing Point |
Action, Low Poly Potraite |
Artistic Filters, Text effect |
Layer masking |
Caricature |
Water Drops |
Cement Effect, Wood Texture |
Typography |
Web Page Layout |
Meta Painting |
Digital Painting |
Animation |
Test |
Interface of Flash Environment - Timelines |
Toolbar options - Arrow, pencil, brush, eraser tool, Magnifier, text tool, ink bottle, Paint bucket, eyedropper & lasso tool |
Modify - Document |
Working with text - edit, break apart |
Transform options |
Animation techniques - Using timelines and layers, Difference between frames, blank key frames, key frames, etc. |
Shape tweening of objects and texts |
Working with symbols - Creating graphic symbols, Simple motion tweening, Use of guide layers for motion tweening, Tweening properties like rotation, orient to path, loop and other |
Instance, properties, Creating button symbols, Edit the button symbol to give different effects for rollovers and clicks, Assigning actions like start, stop, etc. |
Library Window and color mixer window. |
Grouping of elements |
Importing and working with Bitmaps |
Simple animation using Motion tweening - (Creating Graphic Symbols) - From One Point to another, Rotation Property, Scaling , Color Style Properties |
Learn to - Create Animations using two or more than two layers, Transform options i.e Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Rotate, etc. |
Color Styles i.e Alpha, Copy Frames and Paste Frames" option from the Edit Menu. |
Animation using Shape tweening - Layer Properties, Motion along a path using guide layer, • Motion along a path using guide layer. |
Image Slicing - Naming Slices & Inserting Slices, Layer Masking. |
Frame by frame animation, Editing animations, deleting frames, inserting frames |
Library & library Properties |
Creating animations for showing special effects |
Blast effect - Ripples effect |
Creating Movie-Clip symbols - Converting an existing animation into a movie-clip, Placing movie-clips inside the button symbol |
Placing movie-clips inside the graphic symbol |
Cell animation |
Writing Text |
Creating interactive movies/CD presentations using the above animation techniques |
Adding sounds to a movie/presentation, importing and editing sounds |
Creating websites or home-pages of any website - Optimizing movies & exporting movies for the web |
Exporting files |
Final Project |
Introduction - What is internet ? , Overview of Web Browser, URLs (Uniform Resource Locator), World Wide Web (www), HTML Tools |
XHTML Document And Basic Tags - Writing Tools, Structure of an HTML document, Basic tags and Attributes, Body Attributes |
Text editing - Text attributes, Marquee tag & its attributes, Headings, Font,Paragraph, Line Break, Ordered and Unordered Lists, Blockquote |
Images - Image formats, Image attributes, Alignment of images |
Image mapping |
Tables - Create a table, Combine cells in a row or column |
Forms - Create a form, Accept input and Submit |
Special Things - Special Characters, Different graphic formats, Interlacing/Progresive Display, Putting your site Online |
XHTML 5 & CSS - Getting a Proper Code Editor and Formatting, Lists, Parent Child Relationships, Putting your site Online, Blockquotes, Anchors, Your First Stylesheet, Clean Project Structures, The Necessity of Divs, Ids and Classes, Assignment, Floats and a Simple Layout, NavigationLists, Introduction to Forms, Image Replacement, Typography Basics, The Difference Between Relative and Absolute Positioning, Images, Creating a Website Fragment, The Importance of Validation |
Creating Responsive Website |
Media Query |
What is Media Queries? |
Properties of Media Queries - width/height, device-width/height, orientation, aspect-ratio, device-aspect-ratio, color, color-index, monochrome, resolution, scan, grid |
How to Start the Dreamweaver Program. |
Interface of the Dreamweaver Program. |
Saving a File. |
Text and Text Editing. |
Previewing in a browser. |
Image and Image Editing. |
Page Properties |
Linking (Text Hyperlinks) - Hyperlinks, Internal Linking, External and Email Linking, Anchor Linking |
Linking (Image Hyperlinks) - Internal Linking, External and Email Linking, Anchor Linking |
Rollover Image |
Navigation Bar with Rollovers & links |
Using the Site Window - Set your local site, Import an existing site, Working with links in Site Maps |
Using Links and URLs - Add a hyperlink, Use the point-to-file Icon, Add a mailto link, Add links to a graphic with Image maps |
Displaying Data with Tables - Create a table for data, Add or remove rows & columns, Design a page layout using tables, Layout view, Standard view, Add color to the table, Turn the table into layers |
Using Dynamic HTML and Layers - Overview, Add a layer |
Cascading Style Sheets - Create & apply a custom style, Explore Style settings, Create a hyperlink rollover, Create an External Style Sheet |
Building frames and framesets - Create a frameset, Set borders, Load frames |
Animating with timelines - Create an animation, Use the timelines panel, Record a simple animation, Add a layer and keyframe, Control layer properties with timelines |
Using a form to collect data - Create a form, Add text fields and labels, Add different buttons, Add checkbox, list or a menu, Create a Jump Menu to navigate to different URLs |
Re-using items in your Web Site - Create a library item, Create a library item from Existing contentAdd a library item to a page, Make changes to a library item, Use Behaviors and Styles in library items |
Applying a template - Create a template, Apply a template to a Web page, Make changes to a template, Use Behaviors, Styles and Timelines in Templates |
Part I: Working with PHP |
Getting Started with PHP-Variables |
Assigning Simple Variables Within a Script - Delimiting strings, Assigning arrays within a script, Assigning two-dimensional arrays in a script |
Accessing Variables Passed from the Browser - HTML forms variables, Passing arrays, Cookies, Sessions |
Testing Variables - isset0, empty0, is_null0, is_int0, is_double0, is_string0, is_array0, is_bool0, is_object0, is_resource0, is_scalar0, gettype0 |
Changing Variable Types - Variable Variables. |
Control Structures |
The if Statement - Determining true or false in PHP, Comparison operators, Logical operators, Complex if statement, if…else statements, if…elseif statements |
switch…case - Loops, While…, do…while, for, foreach, continue and break |
PHP’s Built-in Functions - Function Basics, Arguments, Return values |
Function Documentation - Important PHP Functions, String handling functions |
Writing Organized and Readable Code - Indenting, Code blocks, Function calls, SQL statements |
Includes - Include0 and Require0, Include_once0 and Require_once0 |
User-Defined Functions - Function basics, Returning values, Using a variable number of arguments, Variable scope |
Object-Oriented Programming - Classes, Continued, Object cloning, Destructors, Exceptions |
Working on a E-Commerce ( Shopping Cart ) Live Project - Click to view the live project the students would be working with during this course |
Synopsis: - The data is stored in Products Table, Supplier Table, Category Table. Each product has a single supplier and single category, Each supplier supplies multiple products under multiple categories |
Login Page - The user will be authenticated before they enter the website for the correct username/password, There are 2 types of users Admin / User, the admin would have administrative rights, where as a user will only be able to view the products |
Search Page - After login, the user will be directed to a search page, where they can search for a product by selecting the supplier / category name, In advance search, string searches can be done. |
Product Result list - This page will return the result of the search criteria, A single page will display the records dynamically from the database, 5 records at a time. Using the Next / Previous button users can navigate through the list of products |
Details - Once the user clicks on the product name in the result list page, they are directed to the details page, where user can get the detail information with a image of the product, If the user is an admin, they would be given an option to add / update / delete If the user is not a admin, the following permissions will be disabled. |
Add / Update / Delete - Displaying data from multiple tables using forms & Adding / Updating / Deleting data |
Security - Extensive use of Sessions / Cookies for security purposes |
E-Commerce Module - Once the above project is completed, it’s taken to a next level where the e-commerce module is generated. Multiple Products can be added to the shopping cart, a dynamic bill is generated and user is forwarded to a payment gateway to complete the transaction. |
Introduction , Syntax , Data Types , Operators & Expression |
CREATE ,DROP, SELECT database ,CREATE table, SQL CONSTTRAINT , DROP table , Insert Query Truncate Command |
JOINS : Left join, Right join , Inner join , Full join , Self join |
CREATE Table , INSERT Data , Get Last ID , Multiple INSERT |
SELECT Data , UPDATE Data , Delete data |
Wild cards , DATE functions , Using Views , Indexes , NULL Values , Alias Syntax |
SEO (On Page Optimisation) |
What is On-Page Optimization?, Keyword Research. |
Keywords Research and Analysis, Types of Keywords |
Keyword Research, Keywords Analysis Tools |
Competition, Preparing a Keyword List for Project |
How to Select a Domain Name?, Page Naming {URL Structuring} and Folder |
Image Naming, Image Title and ALT Tags, What are Meta Tags |
Description / Keywords, Country Robots |
Keywords Author, Redirection Tags |
Keywords Author, Redirection Tags |
SEO (OFF Page Optimisation) |
Introduction to Offsite Optimization, Submission to search engines |
Linking Building Methodology, Types of Linking Methods |
Free Links / Paid Links, Directory Submissions for SEO |
Social Bookmarking, Local Business Listing (Local SEO) |
Classifieds Posting, Forum Signatures and Commenting |
Using Blogs for SEO, Blog Commenting |
Press Release Submission, Article Submissions |
Video Submissions, RSS Feeds Submissions |
Tracking the Links and Page Rank, Reports and Management |
Website Position Analysis, Google WebMasters Tools |